Temperature Screening
Thermal imaging cameras can be used to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These cameras, in combination with compensation algorithms, can accurately measure people's temperatures without the need for physical contact. These techniques have already been used successfully against the spread of SARS, Ebola and other epidemics. The cameras detect the elevated skin surface temperatures and can thus be used for rapid and preliminary temperature screening in hospitals, office buildings, factories, stations, airports and other public places with an accuracy of ± 0.3 ° C.
If a person has measured too high a temperature, an alarm is automatically generated. This can range from a simple beep to a full link to an alarm server. The person with an elevated temperature can then be examined further, for example. In combination with this solution, automatic facial recognition can also be used, which makes it possible, for example, to keep track of the temperature of all colleagues every day. One can also screen whether or not people wear a mouth mask and thus generate an alarm when not wearing a mouth mask.